
Welcome to Laboratório Cristália website.  

Please, read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

1. Cristália cares for the safety and privacy of its website Users.

By accessing our website, Users will promptly realize that the access to most of our services do not require any type of registration process; therefore, not requiring the collection of User's personal information.

 However, in order to have access to some specific pages, services or links, Users will be asked to voluntarily provide some Personal Data that will be collected in our website. In case a user fails to provide any requested personal data, he or she will be prevented from visiting certain sections of this website.

 Any personal data collected from Users shall be dealt as confidential information and appropriate and effective safety measures shall be taken to safeguard them. Those data shall not be marketed or made available to third parties, being uniquely intended to allow users who provide them with access to certain customized services.

 Cristália shall be held accountable for keeping the secrecy and inviolability of any data potentially provided to the website. However, Users must confirm that he/she is aware that safety measures on the Internet are not infallible and, therefore, Cristália cannot be held accountable for any damages and/or losses occurring as a result of fortuitous events or force majeure.

 For some personal data features, whenever allowed by law, cookies technology is adopted to store selections made by users in their last access. We do not store or use personally identifiable information in cookies files.

Cookies – Technology enabling websites to store small amounts of information in your computer that can be subsequently retrieved. That technology is solely designed to provide Users with website customization features to facilitate browsing.

 Cristália's website may contain links to other websites which we see as potentially useful for Users. Nevertheless, Cristália shall not assure or hold accountability for the quality of each link, as well as for the content of websites external to Cristália's, including, but not limited to their own privacy policies.

 Cristália will only send emails and messages if permitted to do so by Users registered on the website.

 Under no circumstances the use of this website shall imply on assignment to Users of any mentioned registered trademarks, patents, data, technologies, products, processes, or other patent-protected rights owned by Cristália, its affiliates or third-parties.

10. Cristália hereby undertakes and holds accountable for the proper functioning and maintenance of this website in any circumstances, except for situations inherent to the nature and fruition of the services provided, such as technical and operational issues; in those cases, Cristália disclaims any warranties with respect to the availability or operation continuity of the website and its services.

 Whenever applicable and reasonable, Cristália shall previously warn Users about interruptions of this website operations and its services, providing them with the clearest possible information. Anyway, Cristália undertakes to repair occasional interruptions within the shortest possible amount of time.

Cristália reserves itself the right to modify, add, remove, interrupt, or disable any activities in the website, at any time.

 QAny communication or material submitted by User to the website by email or other means, including data, questions, comments, suggestions and the like shall be addressed as publicly available assets, and, thus, not confidential or protected.

14. Any mention about a Cristália's product or service on the website does not mean that such product or service is necessarily available at the specific location where the User is found.

 In general, the contents herein are not targeted to children. Services provided here are designed to Users above the age of 18.

The information available on this website shall neither replace professional advice from a physician, nor be regarded as recommendation for any particular health therapy plans.

Users must undertake to use this website, its contents and services in compliance with the law in force, with the provisions Herein, as well as warnings, usage rules, and instructions brought to his or her knowledge by the website, as well as with public order, moral and good manners, as generally accepted.

 Users are strictly forbidden to include or transmit any illicit, threatening, defamatory, obscene, outrageous, contentious, pornographic, profane or any other material that could constitute or encourage illegal behaviors or potentially give rise to civil liability. Whenever requested to do so, Cristália will cooperate with law enforcement authorities in charge with meeting the applicable legal provisions or court orders.

 Notwithstanding the above and any other legal and procedural provisions, Users particularly undertake not to:

 Reproduce, copy, distribute, change and/or modify contents available through Cristália website, except with prior written authorization by the owner of the respective rights or when legally allowed to do so;

19.2 Suppress, handle, and/or change, in any way, identifiable intellectual property rights data of Cristália or its owners, as well as technical protection devices, digital signatures, or any information and/or identification mechanisms that may include the contents available on the website; and/or,

 Cascade e-mails not solicited or previously consented and/or use data that may be accessed through the website for advertisement purposes and send any type of advertisement with the purpose of selling goods or any other commercial-purposed activity without prior request to and consent from Cristália.

Users are allowed to download, exhibit, or print data included on this website.

 All Users must undertake to read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before accessing and/or making use of the services and contents available on the website. A User's access to services and contents subjected to the conditions expressed herein shall reflect his/her unconditional acceptance to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, at the moment he/she accesses and/or uses the website and its contents and services.

22.When browsing the website, Users are also subjected to all warnings, usage rules, and instructions clearly available to them, additionally to the provisions of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, provided they are not contrary to it.

Any changes in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy shall be promptly communicated on this page. Therefore, Users are encouraged to periodically check the terms and conditions provided here.

For questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Customer Service
0800 701 1918 (Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5:30 PM, except holidays).

Last review: September 2015.




Our website uses cookies to make your browsing experience better. When continuing your browsing, your agreement with our policy of using them is considered. For more information, see our Cookie Policy.

0800 701 1918